Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

September 17 Square
September 17 Square
Main / Social sphere / Culture and Mass Media

Culture and Mass Media

The Glubokoye region has 47 cultural establishments and art centers, of them 19 clubs (including the Center of Crafts, a mobile auto-club), 24 libraries, two children’s art schools, four children’s musical schools, regional history and ethnographic museum.

In 2006 the region opened a dendrological complex in the village of Mosar. It is a subsidiary of the regional history and ethnographic museum that includes a park and a museum. Mosar was included into the national travel itinerary. The cultural historical and tourist center in the village of Ives is aimed to preserve and develop the national customs and traditions. The center has a library, dance and audience halls, a snooker table, computers, 15 guest rooms. There is a picturesque park and a library-museum in the agro-town of Ozertsy.

As many as 13 creative groups have the titles “People’s” and “Exemplary”.

Some 450 schoolchildren are enrolled in art and musical schools. There are two accordion orchestras, three choirs, eight ensembles. Two creative groups have the title “Exemplary”. 

Some 25,329 readers frequent the regional libraries; the book stocks make 334,494 copies. More than 300 residents of the region visit the legal information center located in the central regional library.

The regional history and ethnographic museum numbers over 10 thousand exhibits. Every year the museum arranges over 500 excursions and lectures and is visited by over 15,000 people. The Center of Crafts and the craftsmen club Krynitsa seek to revive and preserve traditional crafts. Some 150 children attend ten arts and crafts groups of the Center of Crafts. The center has two exhibition halls. 

Mass media

Vesnik Glybochchyny Newspaper (2 Krasnoarmeiskaya Street, Glybokoye, 211800, editor’s-in-chief phone: 802156 53817).