Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

The visiting card of the city
The visiting card of the city
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Region Archive

22 August 2008
The Vitebsk oblast is finishing the harvest campaign. Only 16% of the area under grain crops and leguminous plants remains to be harvested, BelTA learnt from deputy head of the agriculture and foodstuffs department of the Vitebsk oblast executive committee Nikolai Olenich. As of August 22, almost 970 thousand tonnes of grain have been cropped. Yesterday’s heavy rain slowed down the harvest campaign, though the mark of one million tonnes will be passed within the next few days, Nikolai...
16 August 2008
In 2008-2010, the Vitebsk oblast of Belarus intends to invest about Br1 trillion in the construction branch, BelTA learnt in the committee for construction and architecture of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee. The funds will be assigned for modernization and technical upgrading of construction companies. In line with the programme of the development of the regional construction branch for 2008-2010, the funding will be carried out at the expense of equity capital of the construction...
13 August 2008
In H1 2008, up 2.7 thousand cardiac surgeries were performed in Belarus, BelTA learnt from Alexander Mrochek, the chief cardiologist of the Health Ministry of Belarus, director of the republican scientific practical centre Cardiology. According to him, the Cardiology centre alone performed 2 thousand surgeries in H1 2008. During the same period of 2008, Belarusian surgeons performed 509 coronary artery bypass graft surgeries. Alexander Mrochek noted that at present, the cardiologists of...
8 August 2008
The concert which will be held in the Sophia Cathedral of Polotsk on September 21 will continue the season of the German organ music in Belarus. The musical project is being carried out under the auspices of the German Embassy in Belarus. As BelTA learnt in the German diplomatic mission, the musical compositions created by Johann Sebastian Bach, Max Reger and Dietrich Buxtehude will be presented at the concert with the participation of Kseniya Pogorelaya. Ksenoiya Pogorelaya is a soloist...
7 August 2008
In January-July the Lukoml state district power plant (Vitebsk oblast) produced 8,049 billion kWh of electrical power, up 9% from the same period last year, BelTA was told at the plant. As a rule, the capacity utilization peaks in summer and the Lukoml plant produces around 60% of the total electrical power generated in the country during this season. In July this year the average load per unit reached 253.4MW (242.2MW in July 2007), with the nominal capacity of one power generating unit...
23 July 2008
A delegation of the Glubokoye region, the Vitebsk oblast, has arrived in Murmansk to consider the prospects of creating joint manufactures. The delegation has comprised Chairman of the Glubokoye regional council of deputies Alexander Kolbasich, General Director of the Glubokoye Tinned Food Factory Leonid Barilo, Director of the Glubokoye Concentrated Milk Factory Valery Dulinsky, BelTA learnt from the press service of the Murmansk oblast government. During a meeting with the Vice-Governor of...