Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

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Region Archive

8 July 2008
Deputies of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union State will take part in the 17th international festival of arts “Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk” and the Union State Day on July 13, BelTA was told in the PA press service. Belarusian and Russian deputies will present special prizes of the Parliamentary Assembly to best singers representing the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation. The Union State prizes will be also presented to participants of the intentional juniour song...
20 June 2008
The Vitebsk Oblast Council of Deputies allowed the two companies of the Belarusian state concern for production and selling of light industrial goods (Bellegprom) to delay the debt payments to the local budgets. These companies are the Vitebsk fur garment manufacturer and the open joint-stock company Krasny Oktyabr, deputy chief of the financial department of the administration in the Vitebsk oblast executive committee Boris Kichanovsky told BelTA. He explained, Decree No 282 of May 19, 2008...
20 June 2008
The government is selling its share in open joint-stock company Krasny Oktyabr to limited liability company Marko. The purchase contract will be signed by July 15, Marko's Director General Nikolai Martynov told BelTA. In order to stabilise the financial and economic performance of OAO Krasny Oktyabr the head of state signed decree No 324 on June 13, which envisages selling the state share (83.64% or 6,024,867 shares) in Krasny Oktyabr. The state share has the nominal value of over Br180.7...
17 June 2008
A documentary “Mongolia’s Border” by Italian filmmakers will open a competitive film programme of the 4th International Catholic Festival of Christian Movies and TV Programmes Magnificat 2008 in Glubokoye on June 17.
13 June 2008
Over Br11 billion was utilized in the Vitebsk oblast to implement the demographic security programme, Mikhail Leschinsky, the chairman of the committee for labour, employment and social protection of the oblast executive committee, stated at a session of the Vitebsk oblast executive committee on June 12. The programme enabled the oblast to complete the reconstruction of the Orsha maternity home, open a cardiosurgery department in the oblast hospital. Some 19 ambulance stations in the rural...
30 May 2008
Scientists of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine supported an idea to set up the trans-border tourist route From the Varangians To the Greeks. They expressed their opinion towards the route during the research conference From the Varangians To the Greeks: historical-cultural transit via Belarus. Traditions and Prospects which opened in Polotsk on May 30. Alexander Lokotko, a corresponding member of the Belarus National Academy of Sciences, the director of the Institute of Art History, Ethnography...