Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

September 17 Square
September 17 Square
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Region Archive

2 May 2008
People of labour are the main wealth of the country, Chairman of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee Vladimir Andreichenko said at an official ceremony of inscribing the winners of the 2007 labour competition on the Board of Honour. The modern-day requirements are conscientious work, initiative and creative approach to labour. It is these qualities that differentiate the best regions and companies from others, he noted. Nineteen winners were entered on the Board of Honour. Among them are...
16 April 2008
The national gathering of volunteers of the movement of human trafficking prevention is expected to be held in Belarus in the near future, BelTA learnt from Natalia Zhak, the head of the project “Fight against human trafficking: Republic of Belarus” of the International Organization for Migration /IOM/. She is taking part in the seminar “Cooperation of the state, international and public organization in the field of human trafficking prevention” which opened in Vitebsk on April 16....
11 April 2008
Athletes from five countries have met in Vitebsk for the fourth open national competitions Cosmonautics Cup on sports acrobatics and tumbling on April 11. Within the three days the participants of the tournament, almost 200 acrobats from Belarus, Russia, Poland, Lithuania and Hungary, will compete for 12 sets of awards in the single and team, BelTA learnt from the department for physical education, sports and tourism of the Vitebsk oblast executive committee. The Cosmonautics Cup will...
11 April 2008
Renowned in the Vitebsk oblast, Josef Bulka, a Catholic priest-prelate in the village of Mosar, the Glubokoye region will share his experience in counteracting drunkenness with the district police officers of the Vitebsk oblast. The priest will talk about his methods to combat and prevent alcohol addiction during an oblast seminar on April 11, BelTA learnt from Richard Malets, the head of the preventive measures office of the interior affairs department of the Vitebsk oblast executive...
10 April 2008
OAO Naftan will increase the crude oil refining up to 12 million tonnes by 2010, Viktor Ostapchuk, the production manager of OAO Naftan, told a conference in Minsk on April 10. According to him, in 2007 Naftan processed 10.5 million tonnes of oil. Moreover, the company intends to increase the level of oil refining up to 90-92%. The strategic goal of OAO Naftan is to produce high quality products, to reduce energy intensity of production. By 2010 the company intends to launch a vacuum...
31 March 2008
In January-February this year small towns of the Vitebsk oblast increased the production of consumer goods by 21.9% over the same period last year, BelTA learnt from deputy head of the economy department of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee Zinaida Koroleva. The most significant growth of the consumer goods output was registered in Lepel, Glubokoe and Dubrovno. According to Zinaida Koroleva, it is a result of the implementation of the state programme of development of regions and small...