Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

Glubokoe is the cherry capital
Glubokoe is the cherry capital
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Region Archive

31 March 2008
The Vitebsk oblast plans to put Br167 million in business development in 2008, BelTA learnt from Valentin Tsvetkov, the head of the business activity department of the economy committee of the Vitebsk oblast executive committee. The non-state sector of the region’s economy development has been envisaged in the oblast business activity support programme for 2006-2008. The funds will be used to expand the business infrastructure, business information support improvement. The business...
28 March 2008
In 2007 private companies of the Vitebsk oblast invested more than Br96bn in the development of production and created over 14,000 new jobs, Chairman of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee Vladimir Andreichenko said at an award ceremony of the oblast-wide contest “Best Entrepreneur of the Year” on March 27. The small business sector has been increasing its contribution to the economic development of the oblast. In 2007, small and medium-sized enterprises increased their output by more...
24 March 2008
On March 25 Vitebsk will host the international exhibition Energy Saving Technologies, Equipment, Materials. Taking part in the forum will be producers and experts from Russia, Bulgaria, Latvia, Germany and Ukraine, BelTA learnt in the Vitebsk Oblast Marketing Centre. Within the framework of the exhibition round table “Rational House” will be organized. Representatives of foreign companies, experts, scientists of Belarusian universities were invited to take part in the session. Its...
18 March 2008
Belarusian agricultural companies have prepared 66,700 hectares of land for spring sowing works, or 2.85% of the plan. As of the same day last year only 21,000 hectares were prepared, or 1% of the plan, BelTA was told in the main crop-growing department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Foodstuffs. The Brest oblast has prepared around 10% of the areas to be sown with crops, Gomel – 2.9%, Grodno – 2.6%, Minsk around 1%, Mogilev – 1% as well. the Vitebsk oblast is just getting down to...
13 March 2008
The Vitebsk oblast will put up 132 idle municipal objects for auction in 2008, BelTA learnt from Larisa Scheglova, the head of the department on auctions and contests of the Vitebsk oblast territorial fund Vitebskoblimuschestvo. The immovable property list included objects which have been unused for a long time or used inefficiently. Alongside the immovable property the auctions will provide a tenant right for the land ploys these objects occupy in line with Decree #667. The document...
11 March 2008
In 2007, the exports of Vitebsk-based Belwest to Latvia amounted to $3 million, up 50% over the past three years. The deliveries to that country are handled by a representative office of the company in Latvia and several Latvian dealers, BelTA was told in the Belarusian embassy to Latvia. Belarusian footwear has taken its market niche in Latvia. Belwest has developed a network of chain stores and won its customer base. “The sales have been growing and we can say that we have found our...