Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

September 17 Square
September 17 Square
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Region Archive

10 March 2008
This year Vitebsk oblast hospital will get the region’s first heart-lung apparatus, the chief doctor of the Vitebsk oblast clinical hospital, Viktor Ovchinnikov, told BelTA. The device will allow conduct surgeries on open heart, Viktor Ovchinnikov said. The purchase of the equipment is envisaged in the programme aimed at developing the regional cardio-centres and will be financed by the national budget. Viktor Ovchinnikov noted that Vitebsk doctors regularly perform closed heart...
4 March 2008
The Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee and the Smolensk Oblast Administration have signed an agreement on trade and economic, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation and also a protocol of intent in the sphere of agro-industrial complex development, BelTA learnt in the Belarusian Embassy in the Russian Federation. To implement the joint investment projects aimed at producing the competitive agricultural products, the border regions of Belarus and Russia intend to share the seeds of...
3 March 2008
The border regions of the Vitebsk oblast and the Smolensk oblast (the Russia Federation) intend to intensify cooperation in agro-industrial complex. Chairman of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee Vladimir Andreichenko and Governor of the Smolensk oblast Sergei Antufiev signed the protocol of intent last week in Smolensk. To implement the joint investment projects aimed at producing the competitive agricultural products, the border regions of Belarus and Russia intend to share the seeds...
20 February 2008
As one of the ways to encourage the Muscovites to go to the presidential poll, the North Administrative District of Moscow decided to hold a trade fair of goods made by Vitebsk’ producers, BelTA learned from top adviser of the chairman of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee Nikolay Fedorchuk. The decision to invite Vitebsk’ companies to the fair scheduled for February 29-March 2 was made at a session of the economic group of the North Administrative District, he said. The exhibitions...
20 February 2008
The capacities of the two hydroelectric power stations being built on the Neman and the Western Dvina will exceed three times the capacities of the 28 hydroelectric power stations running in Belarus, BelTA learnt from Igor Sukhotsky, the head of the department for energy efficiency, ecology and science of the Energy Ministry. The use of alternative and renewable energy resources remains to be one of the most important constituents of the Belarusian energy security concept, Igor Sukhotsky...
15 February 2008
Issues relating to the diversification of the manufacturing operation, resource and energy saving, retooling using cutting-edge technologies and solutions at RUPP Vityas are in the centre of attention of President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko as the head of state is visiting the Vitebsk-based radio electronics company. Vityas is a multibusiness company, which offers TV sets, medical equipment, satellite television systems, furniture, special manufacturing equipment, building materials,...