Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

September 17 Square
September 17 Square
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Region Archive

11 February 2008
The first public juridical reception rooms have been opened in the Vitebsk oblast, BelTA learnt from Valentina Rimkova, deputy head of the administrative department of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee. In Vitebsk and Polotsk the reception rooms are now open at the premises of law faculties of the Vitebsk and Polotsk state universities. Low-income citizens can get free legal aid there twice a week from senior students and their teachers. Applicants are mainly interested in resolving...
11 February 2008
Some 23 facilities will be auctioned in the Vitebsk oblast in H1 2008, BelTA learnt from Larisa Scheglova, the head of the auctions and tenders department of the Vitebsk oblast fund Vitebskoblimuschestvo. The facilities to be auctioned are incomplete constructions which are ready at 60% and which have not been used by their owners for more than two years. All the facilities are located in regional centres and villages. For example, 15 buildings will be auctioned in the former military...
8 February 2008
In 2007, Vitebsk oblast’s budget received around Br9,6 billion from the sale of non-used communal facilities, BelTA learnt from the communal property department of the Vitebsk City Executive Committee. Due to auctions on properties sale and tenant right granting, the extra income of city’s budget made up around Br3,7 billion. In particular, the incompleted construction facility “Trams-Repairing Plant” was sold owing to the auction. Its new owner – OOO Energokomplekt - intends to...
8 February 2008
The officers of the department for citizenship and migration of the Orsha town interior department jointly with the colleagues from the transport police detained a group of illegal migrants – citizens of the Republic of Iraq, BelTA learnt from the department for citizenship and migration of the interior department of the Vitebsk oblast executive committee. Five citizens were detained in the course of an inspection in a Moscow-Minsk train on February 6. They presented authentic Iraqi...
5 February 2008
In 2008, the Belarusian-German joint venture San Marco intends to boost footwear production by 20% as against 2007, director general of the company Nikolai Martynov told BelTA. In 2006, the company produced almost 700 thousand pairs of footwear. San Marco intends to increase the output due to expanding the production facilities to produce children, men and women’s footwear. The company has already purchased a new premise to launch a new workshop. Additional 120 people are expected to be...
31 January 2008
Decree #1 “On stimulation of production and realization of goods, works and services” will promote the development of the production sphere in villages and small towns, Chairman of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee Vladimir Andreichenko told BelTA. The state programme of development of small towns includes 40 settlements of the Vitebsk oblast. Due to the decree and other adopted bills, producers will have significant preferences. So, they will have an opportunity to invest funds in...