Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

Glubokoe in the night
Glubokoe in the night
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Region Archive

27 December 2007
A Nazi punitive operation coded as “Winter Forest” started in the Vitebsk oblast 65 years ago, on December 27, 1942. The operation aimed to suppress the partisan movement and civilians in Vitebsk, Gorodok, Mekhovoe, Polotsk and Sirotino regions of the Vitebsk oblast during the Great Patriotic War. The operation was conducted by SS division #286 with the aim to turn the territories in the rear of the left wing of the Centre group of armies “into the burnt-over land”. During the...
17 December 2007
The Vitebsk oblast territorial fund Vitebskoblimuschestvo will arrange the first auction on December 17 to sell unused real estate with the starting price set at one basic amount (Br35,000 as of December 1), head of Vitebskoblimuschestvo’s auctions department Larisa Scheglova told BelTA. Four unfinished buildings with the total area of 5,400 square metres in the Polotsk region have been put up for auction. Their readiness varies from 9% to 29%. Their market value exceeds Br1 billion....
13 December 2007
The restoration of the specimen of the 18th century architecture “Solyanyie Sklady” (salt storage facilities) in Vitebsk has been completed, Viktor Kibisov the chief of the culture department of the Vitebsk town council, told BelTA. The site will be interesting to see not only because this is an example of the 18th century architecture. Built in 1774 on the bank of the Western Dvina River, the storage facilities were used to store strategic stock of grain, flour and salt. The compound...
3 December 2007
Every 8th investment project implemented in small towns of Vitebsk envisages starting up a new manufacture, deputy head of the economy committee of the Vitebsk oblast executive committee Zinaida Koroleva told BelTA. There are 400 projects on the state programme of small town development in the Vitebsk oblast. The total investments in the projects amount to Br 800 billion. The new manufactures are mainly oriented on processing of local raw materials, including timber and agricultural...
30 November 2007
For the forthcoming Christmas holidays all the nine health resorts of the Vitebsk oblast can no longer invite new customers, BelTA learnt from Elena Andreikova, the head of an office of the Vitebsk oblast department of the national centre for population recuperation and treatment. During the period from December 29 to January 7, more than 20 thousand people (60% of them are the Russian citizens) will have a rest in the Vitebsk health resorts. According to Elena Andreikova, the Vitebsk...
23 November 2007
The Vitebsk oblast territorial fund Vitebskoblimuschestvo will arrange the first auction on December 17 to sell unused real estate with the starting price set at one basic amount (Br35,000 starting December 1), head of Vitebskoblimuschestvo’s auctions department Larisa Scheglova told BelTA. Four unfinished buildings with the total area of 5,400 square metres in the Polotsk region have been put up for auction. Their readiness varies from 9% to 29%. Their market value exceeds Br1 billion....