Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

Glubokoe is the cherry capital
Glubokoe is the cherry capital
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Region Archive

19 September 2007
The Vitebsk oblast plans to establish long-term economic contacts with Saint Petersburg, BelTA learnt from Nikolai Fedorchuk, Senior Counsellor for Transboundary Cooperation and Trade for the Vitebsk Oblast Governor. A fair featuring products of Vitebsk oblast companies will be the first step towards cooperation. The fair is scheduled to take place in the Moskovsky district of Saint Petersburg on September 22-24. The fair will feature products of 25 companies of the Vitebsk oblast, including...
17 September 2007
There are plans to implement three major projects to produce chip fuel in the Vitebsk oblast, chief engineer of the Vitebsk manufacturing forestry association Nikolai Privalov told BelTA. In his words, a workshop able to turn out 20,000 compact cubic metres of chip fuel per annum is being set up at the premises of the woodworking workshop of the Gorodok forestry enterprise. Initially the chip fuel will be shipped to boiler houses of the Gorodok region, with plans to supply chip fuel to the...
14 September 2007
Alexey Zhigalkovich will present Belarus at the International Junior Eurovision Song Contest scheduled for December 8, 2007 in Rotterdam (the Netherlands). Alexey’s song S Druzyami (With Friends) took 67 points and left far behind the second contender Nikita Zhurovich. Unanimously all the regions except Vitebsk oblast gave the young singer 12 points. The jury supported the winner, though, as jury chairman, People’s Artist of Belarus Vasily Rainchik confessed, “it was not a simple...
11 September 2007
The international competition of power engineering specialists will be held in Vitebsk on September 14-20, BelTA learned from deputy general director of Vitebskenergo company Vladimir Diklov. According to him, competing in the event will be the teams of best professionals from Belarus, Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. Belarus will be represented by the Glubokoe grids company, who won the national competitions. The participants will show their theoretical...
5 September 2007
Naftan Co. has started commissioning a sulphuric acid plant. The new equipment has been installed; the setup will be completed simultaneously with the construction works, BelTA was told in the company. The sulphuric acid plant is scheduled to go live in October 2007. This will be the second phase of the sulphuric production upgrade (the first phase was completed in 2005). The capacity of the new facility is 75 thousand tons a year. With it in operation Naftan will step up the annual...
24 August 2007
The nationwide contest “Best Professional” among shop assistants of the consumer cooperatives finished in Glubokoe today. The winner titles went to shop assistants of the Brest oblast consumer union. These are Svetlana Yashuk from the Stolin regional consumer community in the nomination “Foodstuffs” and Viktoria Bodorai from the Luninets regional consumer community in the “Nonfoods” nomination. All in all, twenty-four shop assistants from the overall six oblast consumer...