Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

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Region Archive

19 March 2014
VITEBSK, 19 March (BelTA) – The Heroes Park will be laid in Dubrovno to mark the 70th anniversary of Belarus’ liberation from the Nazis, BelTA learnt from the Dubrovno District Executive Committee. In 2014 the park will eternalize the memory of nine Heroes of the Soviet Union who took part in the liberation of the region from the Nazis. “The idea appeared two years ago. The park has already been beautified. This year there are plans to install steles and memorial stones in honor of...
10 March 2014
VITEBSK, 11 March (BelTA) – Vitebsk will hold the regional selection round for the song contests of the 23rd International Festival of Arts Slavonic Bazaar at the Vitebsk Culture Center on 11 March, BelTA learnt from the center. Vitebsk will hold the regional selection round of the children’s song contest for the first time. Partaking in the elimination stage will be singers from Lepel, Dokshytsy, Polotsk, Novopolotsk, Tolochin, Beshenkovichi, and Vitebsk. “Every contestant will...
4 March 2014
VITEBSK, 4 March (BelTA) – Performers from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Spain, Poland and Germany will take part in the concerts of the 27th International Festival of Ancient and Contemporary Chamber Music which is due in Polotsk on 13 March - 2 May, BelTA learnt from the Concert Hall in St. Sophia Cathedral. The Music of Kings program will open the festival. People’s Artist of the Republic of Belarus soloist of the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater Oksana Volkova...
24 February 2014
VITEBSK, 25 February (BelTA) – The Latgale region of Latvia and Vitebsk Oblast will run an international technical aid project “Fostering home-based self-employment opportunities” as part of the cross-border cooperation program Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus, BelTA learnt from the Association of Employers and Entrepreneurs (Vitebsk). The association underlined that the major objective of the project is to increase economic activity of artisans. “Many of them create original and unique...
11 February 2014
NOVOPOLOTSK, 12 February (BelTA) – An agreement on the establishment of a joint guaranteeing association has been signed by Beltamozhservice and Russian insurance company Arsenal, BelTA has learnt. The document was signed in Novopolotsk during the 10th session of the joint board of the customs services of the Customs Union member states on 12 February. “The integration between the customs services has been gaining momentum, which has an impact on their control functions. One of...
3 February 2014
MINSK, 4 February (BelTA) - The winners of the 53rd edition of the Art of Book National Contest were announced. The Grand Prix (Triumph nomination) was awarded to the Polotsk Gospel issued by the publishing house of the Belarusian Exarchate of the Moscow Patriarchate, BelTA learned from the Information Ministry.