Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

September 17 Square
September 17 Square
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Region Archive

26 January 2014
SMOLENSK, 27 January (BelTA) – Smolensk Oblast of Russia and Vitebsk Oblast of Belarus signed an action plan on trade and economic, sci-tech and cultural-humanitarian cooperation between for 2014-2015. The document was signed by Chairman of Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee Alexander Kosinets and Smolensk Oblast Governor Alexei Ostrovsky in Smolensk on 27 January, BelTA has learnt. The two regions intend to stimulate business activity of economic entities, organize joint exhibitions...
9 January 2014
VITEBSK, 9 January (BelTA) - Vitebsk Oblast will set up 22 new tourist facilities in 2014 which was declared the Year of Hospitality in Belarus, BelTA learnt from the sport and tourism department of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee. Vitebsk Oblast is planning to set up 11 hunting grounds and the same number of farmsteads in line with the Five Hundred subprogram of the regional program for innovation and investment development. Besides, over five new roadside service facilities will...
10 December 2013
VITEBSK, 11 December (BelTA) – The Israeli Culture Day will be held in Vitebsk on 11 December, BelTA learnt from the Vitebsk City Hall. The oblast center will host events to get Vitebsk residents and guests of the city familiar with the cultural heritage of Israel and its contemporary life. Thus, First Secretary of the Embassy of Israel in Belarus Anna Keynan will give a lecture at Masherov Vitebsk State University. The Marc Chagall Art Center will display an exhibition of photos of the...
3 December 2013
MINSK, 3 December (BelTA) – Plans have been made to start building a Sherlock Holmes house in the Belarusian town of Orsha in March-April 2014, BelTA learned from Oleg Shchukin, Director of the private company Protege By, which has designed the building. According to the source, the land plot for the interesting construction project is 1.5km far from Orsha’s central avenue. The building’s design is being prepared. The company is also seeking investors for the project. If investors...
19 November 2013
VITEBSK, 20 November (BelTA) – The 26th International Festival of Modern Choreography (IFMC) will officially open in Vitebsk on 20 November, BelTA has learnt from the Vitebsk culture center. Partaking in the festival will be Evgeny Panfilov's ballet company from Perm, Modern Choreography Theater D.O.Z.S.K.I from Minsk, STREET JAZZ ballet company from Moscow, Arts printing house from Vilnius, Kyiv Modern Ballet, and the ballet company of the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet...
4 November 2013
VITEBSK, 5 November (BelTA) – A bust of Marc Chagall will be unveiled at the Liozno Military and History Museum on 5 November, BelTA learnt from the Liozno District Executive Committee. The idea of its creation belongs to sculptors Alexander Gvozdikov and Azat Torosyan. Attending the unveiling ceremony will be local authorities, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Israel to Belarus Yosef Shagal, Liozno residents. One of the most prominent representatives of the art...