Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

The visiting card of the city
The visiting card of the city
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Region Archive

21 November 2012
VITEBSK, 21 November (BelTA) – A Czech company intends to invest about $10 million into the establishment of a compact factory to process peat in Liozno District, Mr Ivan Lavrinovich, Chairman of the Liozno District Executive Committee, told Mr Alexander Yakobson, Chairman of the State Control Committee of Belarus, on 21 November. BelTA has learned that the project is scheduled to be implemented in 2013-2015 and provides for starting the small-scale production of peat substrates and peat...
20 November 2012
ORSHA, 20 November (BelTA) - Orsha and Smolensk signed a cooperation agreement, BelTA learnt from Ms Elena Rusakova, the head of the ideology department of the Orsha Town Executive Committee. The two parties intend to develop relations in trade, scientific, technological, culture and education, sports, and medicine. The authorities of the two twin-towns intend to contribute to the establishment of direct contacts between enterprises and economic entities, develop options for mutually...
19 November 2012
VITEBSK, 19 November (BelTA) – The joint project “Book Bridges” will connect Vitebsk and Pskov, BelTA learnt from the Deputy Director of the Vitebsk Lenin Regional Library Ms Tatiana Adamyan. The joint project “Book Bridges” are carried out by the Vitebsk Lenin Regional Library and the Pskov Regional All-Service Scientific Library under the cooperation agreement signed by the two institutions in 2010, with a view to promoting the mutual enrichment of cultures, developing the...
16 November 2012
MINSK, 16 November (BelTA) - The Austrian company Bertsch is planning to build a heat power plant in Vitebsk which will run on local fuels, BelTA learnt from Mr Hubert Bertsch, Managing Director and Owner of Bertsch Holding GmbH., President of the Association of Industrialists of Austria. Mr Hubert Bertsch is in Minsk attending the 7th Belarus Investment Forum The Austrian company Bertsch and Belenergo signed a framework agreement on investment intentions in the energy sector. The investor...
8 November 2012
MINSK, 8 November (BelTA) – President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has backed the idea to set up a major leatherworking and fur enterprise based on the Vitebsk fur factory, the press service of the Belarusian head of state told BelTA after the government session held on 8 November to discuss the development of the leatherworking and footwear industries. BelTA has been told that the Vitebsk Oblast Governor had suggested inviting the footwear manufacturers Marko and Belwest to set up a...
8 November 2012
SHARKOVSHCHINA, 8 November (BelTA) – Vitebsk Oblast is developing religious tourism, BelTA learnt from Vitebsk Oblast Governor Alexander Kosinets who took part in the inauguration ceremony of the Sharkovshchina central regional hospital. In his words, attention of the authorities to the beautification of the towns and religious facilities has raised the interest among tourists. “A number of pilgrims has recently increased. They wish to see the Monastery of the Holy Dormition and the...