Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

Glubokoe is the cherry capital
Glubokoe is the cherry capital
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Region Archive

9 July 2012
VITEBSK, 9 July (BelTA) – Chinese business shows an interest in starting up a new manufacturing project based on Vitebsk Fur Factory, BelTA learned from Yelena Zhuravleva, Head of the Economy Office of the Vitebsk City Executive Committee, as she summed up results of the visit of the official and business delegations of the city of Harbin to Vitebsk. The visit ended on 8 July. The project provides for modernizing and relocating the manufacturing facilities of the existing company to a new...
9 July 2012
VITEBSK, 9 July (BelTA) – The art gallery of Yehuda Pen, Marc Chagall’s teacher and mentor, will be recreated in Vitebsk, the deputy chairman of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee, Vladimir Terentiev, said at a ceremony to open an one-painting exhibition “Portrait of Marc Chagall by Yehuda Pen” loaned by the National Art Museum of Belarus. The exhibition is dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of Marc Chagall. The art gallery will be housed in the building of the...
8 July 2012
VITEBSK, 9 July (BelTA) - The Israeli exhibition dedicated to Marc Chagall opened at the Yakub Kolas National Academic Drama Theater in Vitebsk as part of the celebrations of the 125th anniversary of the birth of the artist. The exhibtion was presented by the Israeli cultural center at the Embassy of the State of Israel in the Republic of Belarus, BelTA learnt from the culture department of the Vitebsk City Hall. This is a travelling exhibition prepared by the Association of Professional...
5 July 2012
VITEBSK, 5 July (BelTA) – The Belarusian dairy manufacturer OAO Glubokoye Tinned Milk Factory plans to penetrate the markets of Vietnam and China, the company’s Deputy Director General for Commerce Sergei Stolyaronok told BelTA. To promote its products in Vietnam, the company takes part in establishing a Belarusian-Vietnamese trading house in the city of Hanoi. Potential partners have been sent samples of whole-milk and skimmed milk powder, whey and relevant documents. The prices are...
27 June 2012
VITEBSK, 27 June (BelTA) – The development of joint information technologies will be discussed at a session of the joint board of the interior ministries of the Union State. The session will be held in Vitebsk on 28 June, BelTA learnt from the information and public relations department of the Belarusian Interior Ministry. The participants of the session will discuss development of joint information and telecommunication technologies, communication management and information protection....
25 June 2012
VITEBSK, 25 June (BelTA) – U.S. business took interest in the tourist project in Pokrovskaya Street in Vitebsk where Marc Chagall was born, BelTA learnt from U.S. businessman Jerry Ruchievsky. According to the businessman, a director of one of pension funds will visit Vitebsk in early July. He is interested in the project of Vitebsk Winemaking Factory. The project is to be implemented in Pokrovskaya Street in Vitebsk where Marc Chagall was born. Marc Chagall’s house still survives in the...