Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

Glubokoe is the cherry capital
Glubokoe is the cherry capital
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Region Archive

31 January 2012
VITEBSK, 31 January (BelTA) – The Consulate of the Republic of Latvia in Vitebsk is ready to issue permits for small-sale border traffic to residents of the border territories of Belarus, BelTA learnt from the head of the Latvian Consulate in Vitebsk Dagnija Lace-Ate. In accordance with the agreement between the Governments of Belarus and Latvia on small-scale border traffic of 23 August 2010, consulates will start to accept documents for permits on 1 February this year. The Consulate of...
30 January 2012
MINSK, 30 January (BelTA) – The Transport and Communications Ministry of Belarus, Ukraine’s Motor Sich and the private company Systems of Investments and Innovations have signed an investment contract on upgrading the Orsha aircraft repair plant, BelTA learnt from the ministry’s aviation department. The agreement was concluded during a visit of the senior officials of the company to Minsk. There are plans to build a modern warehouse terminal, office buildings that will house customs...
26 January 2012
VITEBSK, 25 January (BelTA) – Public utilities of Ulyanovsk Oblast (Russian Federation) were on a visit in Lepel District to study the experience of housing and utilities companies, BelTA learnt from Nikolai Pshonka, head of the department of housing and utilities of the Lepel District Executive Committee. Russian colleagues were interested in the operation of heating system for multi-family houses, the boiler houses fired by local fuels, management of apartment blocks, tariffs for the...
17 January 2012
ORSHA, 17 January (BelTA) – The Belarusian company Orsha Linen Mill opened a representative office in Warsaw, Poland in January 2012, the company’s Director General Vladimir Nesterenko told media on 17 January. The company’s distribution chain includes six shops in Belarus and several representative offices abroad. In late 2011 the company opened a representative office in Ivanovo, Russian Federation. According to the source, the company is working hard to reduce the finished goods...
16 January 2012
MINSK, 16 January (BelTA) – Dubrovno District (Vitebsk Oblast) and Dnepropetrovsk District (Ukraine) signed an agreement on cooperation in the social, economic and cultural sectors, BelTA learnt from the press service of the Foreign Ministry. The document was signed during a visit of the Belarusian delegation led by Chairman of the Dubrovno regional executive committee Anatoly Lukashov to Dnepropetrovsk Oblast. The Belarusian delegation paid a visit to a number of agricultural companies...
13 January 2012
VITEBSK, 13 January (BelTA) – In 2011 the Free Economic Zone Vitebsk (FEZ Vitebsk) registered 27 residents, BelTA learnt from FEZ Vitebsk. Among new residents are eight foreign companies, three joint ventures and 16 firms with the Belarusian capital. The total amount of investment is $407.3 million. Investment projects envisage over 1,800 new jobs. The majority of companies plan to export more than 70% of their products. The products of Natrix, Energokomplekt and Polimerkonstruktsya are...