Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

Glubokoe is the cherry capital
Glubokoe is the cherry capital
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Region Archive

10 January 2012
VITEBSK, 10 January (BelTA) – Glubokoye Milk Cannery is set to explore new sales markets in 2012, BelTA learnt from the company. In H1 2012 the company has plans to ship a pilot lot of canned milk to the United States. The enterprise will deliver 21 tonnes of condensed milk to New York. The products are meant for immigrants from the former Soviet republics. The agreement on trial shipment of products has already been reached with an American partner; the contract will be signed in the...
9 January 2012
VITEBSK, 9 January (BelTA) – Shares of the Belarusian open joint-stock company Orsha Aircraft Overhaul Plant have been sold to strategic investors, namely the Belarusian company Innovations and Investment Systems and the Ukrainian company Motor Sich. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko signed the relevant ordinance on equity carve-out on 30 December 2011, BelTA learned from Vladimir Troitsky, Director of OAO Orsha Aircraft Overhaul Plant. The government owns 99.2% of the shares in...
5 January 2012
MINSK, 5 January (BelTA) – One of Vitebsk streets might soon be named after Euphrosyne of Polotsk, BelTA learnt from head of the architecture and town planning department of the Vitebsk Town Executive Committee, chief architect, head of the city’s toponymic commission Vitaly Dubik. This year Polotsk is celebrating its 1150th anniversary. Therefore, Vitebsk is considering naming a street in Zheleznodorozhny District in honor of Saint Euphrosyne. Saint Euphrosyne was an enlightener, one...
26 December 2011
VITEBSK, 26 December (BelTA) – A Russian investor is now the owner of the open joint-stock company Lepelpromshveimebel and intends to pour about $120,000 into the Belarusian enterprise within the next two years, BelTA learned from Vitaly Dmitriyev, Deputy Chairman of the Lepel District Executive Committee. The Lepel District Executive Committee has sold a total of 238,820 shares to the Russian company for Br3.05 billion. The authorized fund of the Belarusian enterprise slightly exceeds Br1...
20 December 2011
VITEBSK, 20 December (BelTA) – The Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Health Care Workers has informed the healthcare department of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee about its plans to take part in the investment project to expand and improve the infrastructure of the Braslav Regional Junior TB Rehabilitation Center, BelTA learnt from head of the healthcare department of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee Yuri Derkach. Vatican sent a letter to the local authorities...
20 December 2011
VITEBSK, 19 December (BelTA) – Vitebsk Oblast is expected to increase export of goods by at least 50% in 2012, Governor Alexander Kosinets said when speaking at a join session of the Presidium of the Vitebsk Oblast Council of Deputies and the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee. “Vitebsk Oblast seeks to meet very ambitious targets 2012. These targets have been articulated by the head of state at the permanent seminar for senior officials of the central and local government bodies on...