Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

September 17 Square
September 17 Square
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Region Archive

21 October 2011
SMOLENSK, 21 October (BelTA) – The Customs Union and the Single Economic Space will give a new impetus to economic contacts between Belarusian and Russian regions, Chairman of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee Alexander Kosinets and Governor of Smolensk Oblast Sergey Antufyev told a press conference. The Customs Union and the SES have opened vast prospects for joint ventures, trade, cooperation in machine building, agriculture, said Alexander Kosinets. In his view, the trade between...
21 October 2011
SMOLENSK, 21 October (BelTA) – Vitebsk-based Polimerkonstruktsia and Fortex-Water Technologies can take part in Russian environmental programs, the chief of staff of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee Alexei Matyushko said in an interview to BelTA prior to the signing of the plan of action to the agreement on trade, economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation for the next year between the administration of Smolensk Oblast (Russian Federation) and the Vitebsk Oblast...
21 October 2011
SMOLENSK, 21 October (BelTA) - More than 150 companies of Vitebsk Oblast have their offices in Smolensk Oblast, informed the chief of staff of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee Alexei Matyushko prior to the signing of the plan of action to the agreement on trade, economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation for the next year between the administration of Smolensk Oblast (Russian Federation) and the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee (Republic of Belarus). Most successful...
21 October 2011
SMOLENSK, 21 October (BelTA) – The action plan to the agreement between the administration of Smolensk Oblast (Russian Federation) and the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee (Republic of Belarus) on trade, economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation for the next year will be signed by the governors of the neighboring regions, Chairman of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee Alexander Kosinets and Governor of Smolensk Oblast Sergei Antufyev. The plan includes over a hundred...
18 October 2011
VITEBSK, 18 October (BelTA) – Promising areas of investment cooperation between Belarus and Latvia will be identified at the international business forum “Innovative business – investments into the future” that will be held in Vitebsk on 21-22 October, BelTA learnt from head of the investment bureau of the economy committee of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee Natalia Saltanovich. The roundtable session will bring together members of the Belarusian embassy in Latvia and the...
10 October 2011
VITEBSK, 10 October (BelTA) – A limited liability company Syryevyye Resursy Bel has been registered as a resident company of the free economic zone Vitebsk. The new resident plans to promote transportation and forwarding services, BelTA learned from representatives of the Investments and Economy Office of the FEZ Vitebsk administration. The business plan provides for investing about $13 million in setting up modern and environmentally friendly infrastructure to transport and sell liquefied...