Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

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Region Archive

7 July 2011
ORSHA, 7 July (BelTA) – The Orsha-based Svitanak Industrial Trade Company is now subcontracting for Valentino, MEXX, Adidas, BelTA learned from director of the company Lyudmila Kuznetsova. To date the Belarusian sewing company cooperates with more than 60 companies from CIS and non-CIS countries. According to Lyudmila Kuznetsova, before placing orders, foreign brands audit the company to examine its technological level, personnel qualifications and the availability of social guarantees....
6 July 2011
VITEBSK, 6 July (BelTA) – Polymerconstruction Company has been registered as a Vitebsk FEZ resident company with a project to ramp up the production of innovative water treatment facilities, BelTA learned from the Investment Department of the Vitebsk FEZ Administration. The company will raise about ?1.9 million in investment to expand the production base, buy new equipment and improve the production process. Within five years the enterprise is eager to boost the industrial output 1.5 times...
6 July 2011
VITEBSK, 6 July (BelTA) – The 11th Small Business in Festival Vitebsk exhibition will take place in the oblast capital on 7-14 July. Partaking in the fair will be about 40 companies from all regions of Belarus, BelTA learned from the Vitebsk Oblast Marketing Center. The exhibition has become very popular thus the organizers have an opportunity to display products of the best Belarusian small and medium businesses. The exhibition pavilion with a total area of almost 500 square meters will...
5 July 2011
MINSK, 5 July (BelTA) – Projects of Belarus, Russia and Lithuania will constitute the movie program of the 20th international arts festival Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk, BelTA learnt from deputy chief of the movie and video department of the cinematography directorate of the Culture Ministry of Belarus Alexei Bezugly. On 9 July the national movie studio Belarusfilm will present a fantasy movie Ryzhik in Wonderland directed by Yelena Turova. Director Nadezhda Gorkunova (Belarus) will present...
5 July 2011
VITEBSK, 5 July (BelTA) – A regular lap of Belarus’ beach football (beasap) championship – Vitebsk Grand Prix – will be held in Vitebsk on 9-10 July. It is the first time Vitebsk will host a beasap competition, BelTA learnt from the physical education, sports and tourism department of the Vitebsk oblast executive committee. Vitebsk inaugurated its first beach football field in 2010. The 450-seat facility is located on the bank of the Vitba river in the Vitebsk downtown. Taking part...
3 July 2011
VITEBSK, 3 July (BelTA) - Independence Day on 3 July is the date which Belarus has gained at the price of incredible sacrifices in the Great Patriotic War, Chairman of the Vitebsk Oblast executive Committee Alexander Kosinets said at an Independence Day meeting. About 4 million people were tortured to death by the Nazis, killed on the frontline. Belarus did everything possible and impossible to stop the invaders on the road to Moscow. “This is why independence, sovereignty and freedom are...