Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

September 17 Square
September 17 Square
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Region Archive

15 June 2011
VITEBSK, 15 June (BelTA) – The Vitebsk-based company KIM makes clothes for the German Armed Forces under tolling agreements, BelTA learnt from Director General Andrei Shamshura. The products made from customer-furnished raw materials account for 50% to 80% of the company’s total output. Therefore the company’s major goal is to expand the assortment range and advance to other markets, the director said. At the same time the Vitebsk company lacks floating funds for purchasing feedstock...
13 June 2011
VITEBSK, 13 June (BelTA) – The Braslav District Executive Committee, Vitebsk Oblast of Belarus and Hajnowka County, Podlaskie Voivodship of Poland intend to cooperate in economic and cultural affairs. A protocol of intent has been signed by top executives of the administrations of Braslav District and Hajnowka County, representatives of the Ideology Department of the Braslav District Executive Committee told BelTA. The sides have reached an agreement to create the necessary conditions for...
10 June 2011
MINSK, 10 June (BelTA) - The project “Masonic Exposition from Vaclav Fedorovich’s Collection” of the Vitebsk Regional Museum won the CIS contest of young museum professionals “Enhancing the Prestige of the Museum Profession” at the 13th International Festival of Museums Intermuseum-2011 which was held in Moscow on 1-8 June, BelTA learnt from the spokeswoman for the Culture Ministry of Belarus Anna Smolskaya. The Belarusian State Museum of the Great Patriotic War was awarded the...
9 June 2011
VITEBSK, 9 June (BelTA) – The Vitebsk-Tsentralny customs clearance point will temporarily work 24 hours starting from 27 June, BelTA learned from the Vitebsk customs service. In connection with the increase in the commodity and transport flow, including vehicles used by individuals, expected till 1 July the Vitebsk-Tsentralny customs clearance point will work 24 hours on 27-30 June in order to eliminate long queues at the checkpoints. The Orsha-Vostochnaya customs clearance point will also...
8 June 2011
VITEBSK, 8 June (BelTA) - An interviewing room for child victims and witnesses based on the Barnahus model opened today in Novopolotsk, BelTA learnt from Andrei Makhanko, the chairman of the board of the non-governmental association “Ponimanie”. The association has launched a project “Implementation of the Barnahus model in Belarus” with the support of the World Childhood Foundation (Sweden), which provides for a system of measures of psychological support for children in difficult...
8 June 2011
VITEBSK, 8 June (BelTA) – Novopolotsk will joint the UNICEF Child Friendly City initiative. Such an agreement will be signed between Novopolotsk Town Hall and the UNICEF office in Novopolotsk on 10 June, BelTA learned from the ideological department of Novopolotsk Town Hall. Partaking of Novopolotsk in this initiative will prove the town’s endeavor to take care of children, create favorable conditions for their birth and education, ensure high level of health care services, support child...