Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

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27 April 2021
A regular meeting of the CSTO Defense Ministers Council was held in Dushanbe on 27 April. The day before, Tajikistan President Emomali Rahmon met with the defense ministers of the CSTO member states, BelTA has learned from the press service of the Defense Ministry.
23 April 2021
Masherov Vitebsk State University will play host to the 6th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Topical Issues of Source Studies” on 23-24 April, head of the department of history and cultural heritage of Masherov Vitebsk State University, candidate of historical sciences Anatoly Dulov told BelTA.
22 April 2021
A ceremony to award the winners of the international exhibition and competition Days of Design 2021 and to open an exhibition of their works will take place in the exhibition hall of the Faculty of Art and Graphics of Masherov Vitebsk State University on 22 April, BelTA learned from the university.
21 April 2021
Belarus exports more than 70% of its gross domestic product, and full membership in the World Trade Organization is in our interests, Yuri Gorelik, director of the department of foreign economic activities at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus, told the media in Vitebsk on 21 April, BelTA has learned.
20 April 2021
A center for supporting technologies and innovations has been established in the Vitebsk State Medical University
19 April 2021
Lead Clinician for Infectious Diseases (non-staff) of the Belarusian Healthcare Ministry, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of the Infectious Diseases Faculty of Belarusian State Medical University Igor Karpov spoke about the importance of COVID-19 vaccination and shared his own vaccination experience in an interview with the ONT TV channel, BelTA has learned.