Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

The visiting card of the city
The visiting card of the city
Main / News / Region


26 February 2021
The production of the Chinese vaccine against coronavirus may be localized in Belarus, Health Minister Dmitry Pinevich said during a ceremonial welcome to an aircraft from Beijing with a humanitarian cargo, BelTA has learned. The aircraft from Beijing with 100,000 doses of coronavirus vaccine landed in Minsk today.
25 February 2021

The traffic police ask all road users to be extremely attentive and careful in foggy conditions.

24 February 2021

There are plans to invest about Br40 million in the construction of infrastructure facilities in the free economic zone (FEZ) Vitebsk, including about Br30 million in 2021, the FEZ Vitebsk administration told BelTA.

23 February 2021

The private company NOVY VEK Spring has become a new resident of the free economic zone (FEZ) Vitebsk.

22 February 2021
VITEBSK, 22 February (BelTA) – In 2020 companies residing in the free economic zone (FEZ) Vitebsk turned out over Br1.6 billion worth of industrial goods, 17% up from 2019, the FEZ Vitebsk administration told BelTA.
19 February 2021
Assistant to the President - inspector for Vitebsk Oblast Anatoly Linevich held a reception of citizens and a direct telephone line in Beshenkovichi region, BelTA informs.