Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

Glubokoe is the cherry capital
Glubokoe is the cherry capital
Main / News / Region


31 December 2020
The finalists of the 9th season of the republican project "100 ideas for Belarus", arranged by the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, became holders of certificates for receiving funds for further commercialization of their results. Our compatriots were marked in the nomination "The best youth innovative project".
30 December 2020
The receptions have already received more than 320 suggestions and comments on various aspects of the life of the state and society. The most significant initiatives will be systematized and sent to the organizing committee of the sixth All-Belarusian People's Assembly.
29 December 2020
They were solemnly sent out in three columns from the sites directly at the enterprise itself, in Obchak (Minsk Oblast) and Smorgon (Grodno Oblast). The main start took place at the main entrance of Minsk Tractor Plant. Here, the processing enterprises of Vitebsk region arranged an exhibition and sale of food products for residents of the capital «Festive Mood Fair».
28 December 2020
The new head of Vitebsk regional organization of the NGO "Belarusian Union of Women" was elected today at a reporting and election conference in the oblast executive committee. The delegates unanimously voted for the candidacy of Elena Martynova, who served as deputy chairman of the regional organization of the Belarusian Union of Journalists.
24 December 2020
Two health care institutions in Vitebsk are returning to normal operation. From December 21, in the surgical building of Vitebsk Oblast Clinical Oncological Dispensary, the provision of medical care to patients with COVID-19 infection is terminated and the provision of routine oncological care is returned as usual.
23 December 2020
Sports complex "Ice Arena" traditionally hospitably opened its doors for innovation and initiative! “100 Ideas for Belarus” is a republican youth project of the “Belarusian Republican Union of Youth”; its main task is to enhance innovative activities and professional mobility of youth, create and promote specific innovative projects and promising scientific and technical developments.