Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

Glubokoe is the cherry capital
Glubokoe is the cherry capital
Main / News / Region


28 September 2020
On the eve of the festival-fair of the village workers "Dazhynki", Deputy Chairman of the Oblast Executive Committee Boris Efremov summed up the preliminary results of the harvesting campaign. - In terms of gross grain production in bunker weight in the public sector of production in 2020, we will reach 1,075 tons, - said Boris Efremov. - According to the experience of the last year, here you can add about 50 thousand tons harvested in the personal subsidiary plots of the villagers. In...
25 September 2020
The harvesting campaign in Vitebsk Oblast is almost over: 99% of the field area, or 343.3 thousand hectares of grain and legumes, has been harvested, the Agriculture and Food Committee of the Oblast Executive Committee said. Sharkovshchina, Miory, Rossony, Postavy and Verkhnedvinsk regions have completely coped with the stubble. In total, on the morning of September 17, 5 thousand hectares of fields remained to be removed in the rest of the oblast. “This is almost a day - two harvests, so this week we plan to complete the stubble harvest completely,” the committee stated.
24 September 2020
477 boiler houses of the oblast's housing and communal services system, or 94.3%, received certificates of readiness for work in the off-season. Work on the rest of the facilities is underway. The deadline for their completion is September 30, however, the oblast intends to handle it earlier.
23 September 2020
A ten-meter arch with the coat of arms of Vitebsk is being erected near the railway station for the oblast festival-fair of village workers "Dazhynki-2020", the city's capital construction department reported.
22 September 2020
The best in the country! With this result, the Eureka student team of Polotsk State University returned from Grodno Oblast.According to the results of work at the facilities of the All-Belarusian Youth Construction in Ostrovets, the student brigade, which bears the name of the Hero of the Soviet Union, honorary citizen of Novopolotsk, Viktor Yeronko, was in the lead for the sixth time in a row.
21 September 2020
Who achieved a breakthrough in the process of teaching and upbringing, how to conduct pre-professional training, what attitudes each school should have - such questions were discussed by teachers of Vitebsk Oblast at a thematic workshop at the oblast institute for the development of education. This was emphasized by the head of the Main Education Department of the Oblast Executive Committee Dmitry Khoma. Each school in the oblast should make its own contribution to the overall success of...