Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

Glubokoe is the cherry capital
Glubokoe is the cherry capital
Main / News / Region


22 July 2020
LLC “Production Association“ Energocomplekt ”in a solemn atmosphere laid the foundation for a new workshop, which will launch the implementation of the long-term development strategy of the enterprise for the period up to 2035. The event was attended by the chairman of Oblast executive committee Nikolay Sherstnev.
21 July 2020
The first cut removes 240.000 hectares of grasses. As of July 10, more than 215.000 hectares have been cut, or 90 percent of the plan. Verkhnedvinsk, Vitebsk, Postavy, Rossonsky, Tolochin, Ushachi, Chashnik and Sharkovshchina regions have already coped with the mowing. The rest of the regions will soon catch up with the leaders. What prevented them from being in time for the green harvest? The prose of life is rainy weather and periodic breakdowns of machines due to their wear and tear.
20 July 2020

The results of the republican family agricultural project "The Masters of the Village-2020" were summed up at the "Kupalie" holiday in Alexandria.

17 July 2020
Five new ambulances have been handed over to the healthcare institutions of Vitebsk blast. Car keys were handed to the chief physicians of Polotsk, Rossony and Novopolotsk hospitals. Two cars will leave for Vitebsk Oblast Clinical Hospital.
16 July 2020
Vitebsk customs accelerated the clearance of goods imported into the customs territory of the EAEU. More than 95% of consignments of such goods are processed in less than two hours, the customs officials said.
15 July 2020
In Vitebsk, on Freedom Square, a multifunctional pavilion of Vitebsk branch of RUE Belsoyuzpechat has been operating for almost a month. Compared to a regular kiosk, this has a much wider range of products including a modern coffee machine. Customers can also use high-speed internet and charge gadgets.