Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

September 17 Square
September 17 Square
Main / News / Region


29 May 2020

Despite the difficult epidemiological situation, the enterprises of the oblast in the first quarter of this year were able to keep the export of goods (excluding oil products) at 106%.

28 May 2020

Residents of Vitebsk Oblast appealed to Assistant to the President - Inspector of Vitebsk Oblast Anatoly Linevich during a direct telephone line and remote reception of citizens in Pervomaisky district of Vitebsk.

27 May 2020

Vitebsk Oblast, the first in the country, halved the single tax rate for individual entrepreneurs and self-employed citizens. Small business can count on such support in the second and third quarters of this year. Not the easiest for the budget, but a very necessary decision was made at a session of Vitebsk Oblast Council of Deputies.

26 May 2020

Very little time is left before the beginning of the long-awaited time for all schoolchildren - summer holidays. And so that as many children as possible could spend this time interestingly and profitably, preparations for the summer season are in full swing in Vitebsk Oblast.

25 May 2020

The united team of Vitebsk Oblast won 34 diplomas at the final stage of the republican Olympiad among schoolchildren.

21 May 2020

The names of candidates for the presidency of Belarus will be known in July, CECб Chairperson Lidia Yermoshina said in the Actual Microphone program on the air of the First National Channel of Belarusian Radio.