Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

The visiting card of the city
The visiting card of the city
Main / News / Region


13 April 2020

KKUP "Vitebsk Oblast Marketing Center" in connection with the difficult epidemiological situation, taking additional measures to prevent and reduce the spread of SARS, including those caused by COVID-19, opened a charity account.

10 April 2020

In Belarus, the acceptance of applications for participation in the national contest "Entrepreneur of the Year" has begun, the press service of the Ministry of Economy said.

9 April 2020

Vitebsk Oblast enterprises exported almost $ 978 million worth of products to Russian regions in 2019, which is 4.2% more than in 2018, the foreign economic department of Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee said.

8 April 2020

Selective sowing of early grain and leguminous crops began in almost all regions of Vitebsk Oblast, the agriculture and food office of the oblast executive committee said.

7 April 2020

Starting April 1, a third way of paying for travel was introduced in public transport in Vitebsk. Such information was posted on the official web-site JSC Vitebskoblavtotrans.

6 April 2020

Deputies of the oblast Council at an extraordinary session made adjustments to the investment program of Vitebsk Oblast for 2020, including additional facilities in the document for financing from the oblast budget and other sources.