Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

Glubokoe in the night
Glubokoe in the night
Main / News / Region


16 January 2024
Minister of Education Andrei Ivanets outlined plans to provide a fleet of vehicles for transportation of children in rural areas, reports BELTA.
15 January 2024
Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Belarus Irina Kostevich told, whether pensioners can expect a raise in 2024.
12 January 2024
A group of children from the orphanage in the town of Anthracite, Lugansk Region, are returning home. The way lies through Gomel. There the guests were welcomed cordially and warmly at home. They had an excursion, told about the Christian shrines of the Belarusian land, fed them with a monastery dinner.
11 January 2024
The main value in the country is people, all decisions taken at the state level are aimed at their comfort and care. This was stated by the speaker of the upper house of parliament Natalia Kochanova during a visit to the city boarding house for veterans of war and labor "Svitanak" in the village of Treskovshchina.
10 January 2024
Belarus has increased the procurement of blood and its components by 7%. The volume of donations last year reached the maximum in the history of independent Belarus. More than 260 thousand liters of blood was procured, more than 65 tons of plasma were processed. Thanks to this, it was possible to cover all the needs of medical institutions in components. An irreducible reserve has been formed and is constantly maintained.
9 January 2024
What Belarus can really be proud of is our scientific achievements. On the foundation, which was laid back in the Soviet times, we have built a strong house on all new technologies. From agriculture to space and nuclear power plants, from the creation of vaccines to mechanical engineering - all this is the effect of many years of research work of our scientists. The state provides all kinds of support.