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Main / News / Region
15 May 2018

2018 Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk to offer record number of events

The number of events to be held within the framework of the 2018 Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk will be bigger than last year's, director general of the Vitebsk cultural center, the festival director Alexander Sidorenko told media on 15 May, BelTA has learned.

"All festival venues will host a bigger number of events this year. For example, 19 big concerts will take place at the Summer Amphitheater; all of them are very diverse. Other venues will also be busy – they will host 2-3 events every day," Alexander Sidorenko said.

This year the concept of the festival is centered around the native land theme. This theme will dominate the opening and closing concerts, the video content, and performances of various artists. Another important theme is remarkable dates like the 80th anniversary of composer, People's Artist of Belarus Igor Luchenok and the 30th anniversary of the festival of Polish songs and construction of the Summer Amphitheater.

This year a great number of orchestra concerts will be held. Taking the stage will be Emir Kusturica & The No Smoking Orchestra and Goran Bregovic and his Wedding and Funeral Orchestra, Phonograf-Sympho-Jazz (Day of the Union State concert), State Orchestra conducted by Mikhail Finberg, Orchestra conducted by Svetlana Bezrodnaya, and Oleg Menshikov's Dream Orchestra. "The program provides for a lot of street events, including with the participation of visiting orchestras and musicians. This will be a true celebration of music," Alexander Sidorenko added.

He also highlighted the exclusive projects involving long-time friends of the festival and newcomers such as the programs by the Slavianski Bazaar debutants as rapper Timati and Mumiy Troll band, the Youth Summer Rhythms program featuring popular singers, and a night concert by stand-up artist Mikhail Galustyan and Alexander Revva.

Ukraine and Kazakhstan will showcase big programs. Traditionally, the Youth Day will offer interesting projects: an art parade, the Fire Dance festival and the festival of subcultures and healthy lifestyle, a patriotic event, a gala-concert of finalists of the national trade unions contest "New Names of Belarus".

The full program of the festival is available on the official website of the festival. The program features the events which will be held in the Vitebsk Concert Hall, in the Yakub Kolas National Academic Drama Theater and the Lyalka theater, the Vitebsk Regional Philharmonic Hall and the Summer Amphitheater.

The 27th edition of the International Festival of Arts Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk will be held from 12 to 16 July. Additional events are scheduled for 7-11 July and 17-18 July.