Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

September 17 Square
September 17 Square
Main / News / Region
26 January 2018

Ambassador: Interregional cooperation between Poland and Vitebsk Oblast gaining momentum

Interregional cooperation between Poland and Vitebsk Oblast has been gaining momentum, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Poland to Belarus Konrad Pawlik said as he met with Chairman of the Vitebsk Oblast Council of Deputies Vladimir Terentyev, BelTA has learned.

According to the diplomat, the relations between Poland and Vitebsk Oblast have been particularly effective and fruitful the past two years. "Twinning relationship have been established between our regions. We have implemented several major projects to promote development. For example, a sailing school was opened in Braslav. We have made achievements in the economic field. On the whole, the cooperation between Poland and Vitebsk Oblast have been gaining momentum," the Polish diplomat noted.

Vladimir Terentyev thanked the ambassador for a personal contribution to the development of interaction. "Poland is an important economic and investment partner of Vitebsk Oblast, among the top five major trading partners of our region. In January-November 2017 the mutual goods turnover amounted to $107 million," Vladimir Terentyev noted.

Vladimir Terentyev also drew attention to the implementation of large investment projects with the participation of the Polish capital. For example, OOO Modern-Expo company has been set up in Vitebsk with a volume of $8 million in investments. The second stage of the development of this company is in the pipeline. All in all, there are about 25 enterprises with the Polish participation in Vitebsk Oblast, four of them are residents of FEZ Vitebsk.

There has been extensive interaction in the cultural field. "We are happy to see Polish artists at all major festivals in Vitebsk Oblast. In addition, yachts for local sailing school made a wonderful gift for Braslav last year," said Vladimir Terentyev.

Ambassador Konrad Pawlik attended the opening of the exhibition "Krakow Christmas Balteikas" in the Vitebsk Regional Local History Museum prepared by the History Museum of Krakow and the Polish Institute in Minsk.