Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

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Main / News / Region
12 May 2023

Belarus' commitment to reaching SDGs underlined

Belarus is committed to agreements on realizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus, the national coordinator on reaching the Sustainable Development Goals Valery Belsky mentioned it as he met with Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia of the United Nations Development Coordination Office (UNDCO) Gwi-Yeop Son, BelTA has learned.

Valery Belsky said: “We are glad that our contacts continue in these complicated times. We are ready to discuss any matters that help reach the global Sustainable Development Goals.”

In his words, Belarus' high progress in reaching the Sustainable Development Goals can be attributed not only to the country's eagerness to realize the global agenda but to the national strategy on sustainable development. “We realize it on our own, bearing in mind our national interests and interests of our closest partners. Meanwhile, we understand perfectly well that individual goals cannot be implemented at the local level. They can be realized only together with the entire world community. This is why our adherence to the agreements that were secured at the UN platform last decade has two roots: a national one and the adherence to the global tasks that mankind faces. We are very disciplined in what we do, including our commitments in reaching the SDGs,” the senator said.

Belarus is ranked 34th in the Sustainable Development Goals ranking. “We have fully ensured food security. The share of low-income citizens in the country is steadily under 5%. The rate of progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals is nearly 80%,” Valery Belsky added.

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