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Main / News / Region
10 January 2024

Belarus increases volume of blood components procurement: all the needs of medical institutions have been covered

Belarus has increased the procurement of blood and its components by 7%. The volume of donations last year reached the maximum in the history of independent Belarus. More than 260 thousand liters of blood was procured, more than 65 tons of plasma were processed. Thanks to this, it was possible to cover all the needs of medical institutions in components. An irreducible reserve has been formed and is constantly maintained.

Today, more than 700 institutions and enterprises are engaged in blood collection in Belarus, and a mobile complex, which allows donations to be carried out on-site, has also joined the work. More than 110 thousand people became blood donors in 2023.

The procurement of blood and its components contribute to the development of biotechnology. Today, the albumin and specific immunoglobulins are produced in Belarus. The real breakthrough is the production of platelet-rich plasma.

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