Glubokoe regional executive committee

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8 (02156) 2 58 65

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Main / News / Region
17 February 2022

Belarus, Russia to coordinate draft international agreements on legal matters

The Justice Ministries of the Union State member states held the 17th meeting of the joint collegium on 15 February, BelTA learned from the press service of the Justice Ministry.

The meeting was attended by the Justice Ministers of Belarus and Russia, Sergei Khomenko and Konstantin Chuichenko.

The parties discussed the current trends in the development of the notarial systems, the improvement of law-making work, the role of the Justice Ministries in the implementation of the Union State Treaty.

"During the meeting, the parties decided to step up the coordination of draft international agreements between the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation on legal matters, the approximation of civil laws within the framework of the Union State," the press service said.

The parties also agreed to advance cooperation in various formats in the areas of activity of the Justice Ministries.

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