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Main / News / Region
29 June 2023

Details of Belarusian-Russian agreement on combat training centers clarified

Members of the lower chamber of the Belarusian parliament have passed the bill on ratifying the Belarusian-Russian intergovernmental agreement on setting up and on operation of combat training centers for the joint training of military personnel of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation. The document was presented by Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin in the Oval Hall, BelTA has learned.

The document was prepared by the Belarusian Defense Ministry. The main tasks of the combat training centers include joint combat training, having Belarusian and Russian military contingents on duty, fulfillment of other combat training tasks as part of joint training programs, sharing the best practices in using weapons, military and special hardware, unification of combat training practices of Belarusian and Russian military personnel. The combat training centers will be established upon joint decisions of the Belarusian and Russian defense ministries.

Viktor Khrenin noted that in line with the agreement the host country will provide comprehensive support for the stay of the foreign continent free of charge. For instance, the host country will provide immovable assets to the foreign military contingent for free to the extent its operation as part of the combat training center requires. The Belarusian defense minister clarified that the establishment of the combat training centers will not require the establishment of new units in the Belarusian army and the Russian one.

The sides agreed that the foreign military personnel will have to respect sovereignty and laws of the host country and will refrain from any actions incompatible with the agreement, Chairman of the International Affairs Commission of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus Andrei Savinykh added. The MP clarified that the ratification of the agreement will not entail negative financial, economic, and political consequences for Belarus.

The agreement on setting up and on operation of combat training centers for the joint training of Belarusian and Russian military personnel was signed in Minsk on 28 March 2023 on the basis of the Belarus president's decree on a draft international agreement of 31 October 2022. The agreement regulates organizational matters in the course of creating and operating the combat training centers on the basis of Belarusian and Russian army units. The agreement defines their main tasks and how the defense ministries are supposed to interact in the course of providing comprehensive support for the operation of the centers. The Belarusian and Russian defense ministries have been put in charge of realizing the agreement.

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