Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

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Main / News / Region
25 November 2018

Grand Prix of IFMC festival in Vitebsk goes to Beijing

The Grand Prix holder of the 31st International Festival of Modern Choreography (IFMC) was announced in Vitebsk on 25 November. The jury unanimously decided to give the main prize to students of the Central Academy of Drama from Beijing who presented their performance Adult Games at the festival, BelTA has learned.

The first prize went to Rima Pipoyan's project Woman Before Taking A Decision (Yerevan, Armenia).

The second prize went to three acts: Look by Tremors Dance Company (Minsk, Belarus), Alpha by Radiofillz (Kiev, Ukraine) and Transition by Dmitry Bezzubenko's project (Minsk, Choreography Department of the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts).

The third prize went to the performance I Am Lost by Artyom Shoshin's project (Kiev, Ukraine).

All in all, over 30 teams and projects from Belarus, Armenia, Germany, Italy, Ukraine, China, Cuba, Japan, Lithuania, Poland and Russia competed for the main prize of the festival. The jury was led by one of the most famous choreographers – People's Artist of Moldova and Merited Artist of Ukraine Radu Poklitaru.

The IFMC 2019 took place in Vitebsk on 21-25 November. The festival gathered participants from 22 countries. Its program featured over 60 performances and other events. As part of the forum, Spellbound Contemporary Ballet from Italy presented Rossini Ouvertures on stage of the Bolshoi Theater in Minsk. On 22 November this performance was staged in Gomel. After that it traveled to Vitebsk where it concluded the program of this year's festival.