Glubokoe regional executive committee

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42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

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17 December 2021

Heads of investigative committees of Belarus, Russia to meet in St Petersburg

On the invitation of the Russian side, Chairman of Belarus' Investigative Committee Dmitry Gora has arrived in St Petersburg on a working visit, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Investigative Committee.

The program of the visit will include a working meeting between the heads of the two committees, a visit to the St. Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, and the signing of a cooperation program on forensic support for preliminary investigation for 2022-2023.

Plans are in place to discuss and exchange views on the improvement of pre-trial criminal proceedings and promising areas of cooperation within the framework of international treaties in criminal law.

Since the establishment of the Investigative Committees of Belarus and Russia, criminalistics departments of the two countries have constructively cooperated in terms of studying the experience of work organization, exchange of information about new methods of expert investigations, modern samples of criminalistics techniques and special equipment, providing practical assistance in the investigation of criminal cases of previous years.

Russian criminalists specializing in the application of psychological methods of memory activation and cognitive interviewing have repeatedly provided practical assistance to Belarusian colleagues in conducting investigative activities.

As a result of the use of memory activation techniques, witnesses of past crimes were able to assist in drawing portraits of alleged criminals.

Investigators of regional offices and the city of Minsk on a regular basis send video materials seized from various crime scenes to the forensic units of the Investigative Committee of Russia to improve the quality and obtain clearer images of faces of alleged criminals, registration plates of cars and other objects. Belarusian investigators actively use Russian software systems Mobile Criminalist. This helps maximize the quality of the information of interest to the investigation stored on mobile communications and computer equipment.

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