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Main / News / Region
1 March 2018

Indian companies ready to invest in logistics center near Orsha

Indian companies are interested in investing in the construction of a multimodal industrial and logistics center in the Belarusian town of Bolbasovo, Orsha District, Vitebsk Oblast, BelTA learned from the press service of the Council of the Republic.

Director of the Confederation of Indian Industry Sreekumar Nair told Chairman of the Council of the Republic Mikhail Myasnikovich that the project was submitted to the business community of India. Four companies engaged in such sectors of the economy as construction, leather and textile industry, and logistics voiced their readiness to participate.

"There are plans to cooperate with one of India's leading engineering companies to set up an Indian investment cluster in Bolbasovo. This company sees Belarus as the most optimal site to implement the initiative in the post-Soviet space. The cluster will implement innovative projects in pharmaceuticals, textile and chemical industry, metallurgical production, auto component business, and many more. It is expected that this initiative will also attract companies from India's neighboring countries," the press service said.

The Confederation of Indian Industry plans to organize a business visit to Minsk in June 2018 to discuss the investment cooperation.

The multimodal industrial and logistic center in Bolbasovo is a large-scale national project implemented by Bremino Group. The center, which is to include a logistics and industrial zones with an adjacent airfield, railway and transport routes, will become a major international center for processing transit cargo.