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13 July 2023

Italian delegation to visit Minsk on 13-15 July

An Italian delegation will visit Minsk on 13-15 July, member of the House of Representatives Igor Zavaley told BelTA.

"Strengthening friendly relations between countries and peoples, building a constructive dialogue, bringing about rapprochement on the basis of good neighborliness are essential in the light of events taking place in the world. This is the goal of the project "Friendship without Borders: Belarus – Italy" launched by House of Representatives. A delegation from the Italian Republic will visit Minsk from 13 to 15 July as part of this project," Igor Zavaley said.

According to him, the program of the visit is packed. "On 13 July, Guido Giammarini, the deputy chief physician at the Mazzoni Hospital in Ascoli Piceno, will visit substation No.5 of the City Emergency Service and attend a roundtable to discuss topical issues of emergency care, the MP said. “The high level of Belarusian medicine is recognized in the international community. Our achievements are of interest to foreign colleagues, while Belarusian experts are ready to share them."

Popular Italian artist Riccardo Foresi will give a concert on the square near the Minsk Town Hall in the evening of 15 July. It is expected that other Belarusian and Italian pop artists will take part in the event.

"Friendship without borders Belarus - Italy" is a project that demonstrates the openness of our country and reaffirm our commitment to a constructive dialogue at all levels and on any topic," Igor Zavaley emphasized.

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