Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

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Glubokoe is the cherry capital
Glubokoe is the cherry capital
Main / News / Region
11 November 2023

Ministry: Belarus' domestic food production fully meets consumer demands

The consumer demand in Belarus is fully met with domestic food products, Pavel Yanov, head of the meat and dairy industry department of the main department of the processing industry of the Agriculture and Food Ministry, told BelTA.

The Belarusian production, particularly the dairy and meat industries, fully meets the population demand for food products, Pavel Yanov said. “According to statistical data, the level of self-sufficiency in meat is more than 130%, and in dairy products - more than 270%. On average, there are 840 kg of dairy products per person, which is 3-4 times more than consumption. For meat, this figure is 98 kg. We cover the domestic market demand in full and are able to sell abroad. The people's demand is fully met with domestic products. The share of Belarusian products sale in the domestic market is almost 100%,” the specialist said. “We have been talking about the country's self-sufficiency in meat and dairy products starting from 2018.”

The country's existing capacities ensure the processing of the growing volumes of raw materials of animal origin, which are produced in Belarus, he added. “The growth of output is noted across all types of products,” the head of the department stressed.

In his words, despite the development of exports, the main task of the ministry remains focused on covering the needs of the domestic market. “The task is set to sell the finished product with added value abroad. The supplies of sausage products show a good growth,” Pavel Yanov.

The representative of the Agriculture and Food Ministry said that the high quality of Belarusian products is ensured by state standards and traditional recipes. “We have preserved the procedure of development and coordination of technical conditions of recipes, which has remained, probably, only in Belarus. We have an established procedure for approval of documentation for the production of food products which means the products are of high quality,” the specialist said.

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