Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

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September 17 Square
Main / News / Region
12 October 2023

More Belarusian bison to go to Russia's Bashkortostan

The second batch of Belarusian bison is expected to arrive in Bashkortostan in November, Bashkortostan's Minister of Nature Management and Environment Niyaz Fazylov told the media in Ufa, BelTA has learned.

"In pursuance of the instruction of the head of Bashkortostan our specialists went to Belovezhskaya Pushcha early this year. A contract was signed to supply bison from the Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park. In May, nine bison arrived in Bashkortostan. Scientists and specialists of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation determined a place for breeding bison in their natural habitat. This is the Muradymovo Gorge Nature Park. All bison breed in the wild, their condition is stable. They have already adapted to their new environment. In November, we expect the second batch - nine more bison from Belovezhskaya Pushcha," Niyaz Fazylov said.

According to him, plans are in place to bring the population to 200-300 animals. "Our task is to create a natural environment for bison population," Niyaz Fazylov summed up.

In Ufa, Roman Golovchenko will meet with Bashkortostan Head Radiy Khabirov and take part in a ceremony dedicated to the Day of Bashkortostan. The premier is set to visit a number of local enterprises, including Ufa Tram and Trolleybus Plant, Service-Master, APK Alekseevsky, and take part in the grand opening ceremony of the Amkodor-Agidel plant that will manufacture grain drying complexes. The ground was broken for the construction of a new plant to produce construction and utility vehicles Amkodor-Alga.

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