Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

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8 (02156) 2 58 65

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Main / News / Region
9 January 2024

National Academy of Sciences awards prizes to best minds of Belarus

What Belarus can really be proud of is our scientific achievements. On the foundation, which was laid back in the Soviet times, we have built a strong house on all new technologies. From agriculture to space and nuclear power plants, from the creation of vaccines to mechanical engineering - all this is the effect of many years of research work of our scientists. The state provides all kinds of support.

A vaccine against cancer, 3D modeling, domestic electric car and H-book - our scientists not only go, but are several steps ahead of the most advanced technologies of the world. "Belarus Intellectual" exhibition opened this year presenting more than a thousand of domestic developments including artificial heart valve, biotechnology, lasers. There are no analogues to it.

NPC "Chempharmsintez" produces dozens of names of antitumor drugs. In recent years, the focus has been on targeted drugs. They have a targeted effect without affecting healthy cells. That is why this is the latest development.

Elena Kalinichenko, Head of the Research and Development Center "Chempharmsintez", Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences:

We are now producing 14 names of drugs, mostly these are targeting drugs. They target completely different types of tumors. These are myelodysplastic syndrome, myeloleukosis, liver, kidney, thyroid cancer.

In the field of physics, Alexander Mikhalychev proposes to increase the accuracy of measurements using new methods. To make it clearer: the same number of light waves, the same object, but the picture is clearer without damaging living cells.

In agriculture, the Institute of Fruit Growing has set a task for itself - to develop new generation varieties.

Alexander Taranov, General Director of the Institute of Fruit Growing:

This is the variety "belitsa", a variety of very early ripening, which in the conditions of the central part of the country matures on June 10-15. Next in terms of maturity is the variety "Maria" - in the second, third decade of June.

The production of fruit and berry products in the country for the last 10 years has increased 3 times, as well as the quality and quantity of products in all areas. But there is always something to strive for.

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