Glubokoe regional executive committee

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Main / News / Region
15 July 2022

Visa-free travel program hailed as excellent opportunity for foreigners to discover Belarus

Belarusians have nothing to hide and are open to the entire world, Deputy Chairwoman of the International Affairs Commission of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus Olga Petrashova told BelTA.

Olga Petrashova said: “We demonstrate that we are open to any country and the entire world. We have nothing to hide. We advocate a peace-loving policy. We don't want a war, we broadcast no aggression. This is why I believe opening our borders for residents of all countries was the right decision.”

In his words, she is pleased to hear favorable remarks about Belarus from foreigners. “We often meet with residents of European and Baltic states. They often say they had been given totally different information about our country. When they come here thanks to the visa-free travel program, they get a different impression. They will take this impression into their countries and will spread completely opposite information about Belarus. They are astounded that we have enough food in our shops despite Western sanctions when they are told we are having shortages. They are attracted by our cleanliness, calm, infrastructure, and social security. They notice all that. The visa-free travel program is an excellent opportunity for foreign citizens to discover Belarus,” the MP noted.

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