Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

September 17 Square
September 17 Square
Main / News / Region
14 February 2018

Vitebsk to host Belarusian-Lithuanian economic forum

The preparations for the Belarusian-Lithuanian economic forum were discussed by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to the Republic of Lithuania Alexander Korol and Lithuanian Economy Minister Virginijus Sinkevicius during a meeting on 13 February, BelTA learned from the press service the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus.

The parties discussed the topical issues of the Belarusian-Lithuanian relations in trade and economy and outlined the priorities for cooperation in 2018. They also exchanged views on the ways of bolstering economic ties between the two countries. Special consideration was given to the the upcoming economic forum due in Vitebsk.