Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

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8 (02156) 2 58 65

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11 August 2015

Belarus harvests over 6m tonnes of grain

Belarusian agrarians have already cropped over 6 million tonnes of grain, harvesting more than 72% of lands under crops, BelTA learnt from the Agriculture and Food Ministry.

As of 10 August, over 1.460 million tonnes of grain was harvested in Minsk Oblast, 1.243 million tonnes of grain was cropped in Brest Oblast. Grodno Oblast has so far harvested 1.080 million tonnes of grain. 883,500 and 824,500 tonnes have been cropped in Gomel and Mogilev Oblasts respectively. Vitebsk Oblast has harvested 574,500 tonnes of grain.

According to the Agriculture and Food Ministry, Brest and Gomel Oblasts are close to complete the harvesting campaign with over 90% and 96.6% of lands harvested so far. Vitebsk Oblast is still has over half of its lands to crop (54.8%).

The average yield has increased to 37.4 centners per hectare in comparison with the start of the harvesting campaign. However, it is still lower than in was last year (39.6 centners per hectare). The highest yield has been registered in Grodno Oblast – 50.3 centners per hectare. Brest Oblast is showing 40.9 centners per hectare. The average yield in Minsk Oblast is 39.7 centners per hectare, in Mogilev and Vitebsk Oblasts – 32.5 centners per hectare, in Gomel Oblast – 29 centners per hectare.

Belarusian agrarians are also completing the harvesting of winter colza (96%). Over 332,000 tonnes of colza have been cropped with an average yield of 23.2 centners per hectare.