Glubokoe regional executive committee

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26 June 2015

Belarus to sell buses, trolleybuses, help modernize lifts in Russian Ivanovo

Belarus will sell buses and trolleybuses to the Russian city of Ivanovo and will also help modernize the city’s lifts. The promising avenues of bilateral cooperation were determined at the meeting of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Russia Igor Petrishenko and Ivanovo Mayor Alexei Khokhlov on 25 June, the Embassy’s press service told BelTA.

Igor Petrishenko and Alexei Khokhlov discussed Belarus-Ivanovo relations in industrial manufacturing, trade, and social sphere. Vigorous interaction between Ivanovo enterprises and Belarusian enterprises in Ivanovo with Belarus was mentioned. The sides discussed the possibility of resuming cooperation between the local factory that makes flax and wool processing equipment and Belarusian flax mills. Igor Petrishenko also noted that stronger interregional ties would also contribute to the development of mutually beneficial cooperation. There are plans to sign a partnership agreement between Ivanovo Oblast and Vitebsk Oblast soon.

Belarus-made goods enjoy well-deserved reputation among Ivanovo residents, noted the press service. In the oblast capital there are 33 specialized shops and three universal fairs that sell Belarus-made goods such as food, footwear, knitwear, linen, perfumery and cosmetics. The company OOO Belarusian Flax – Ivanovo offers products made by Orsha Linen Mill, Europe’s largest manufacturer of flax fabrics and flax goods.

A meeting of representatives of Belarusian and Russian enterprises took place in the regional chamber of commerce and industry in Ivanovo on 25 June. Igor Petrishenko noted that Belarus was interested in increasing the trade turnover with Ivanovo Oblast. In 2014 the bilateral trade totaled $98.4 million, 14.7% down from 2013. Belarus is interested in reversing the trend, the Ambassador noted. In particular, it is possible to expand the choice of agricultural machines supplied to Ivanovo Oblast agricultural enterprises. Igor Petrishenko also informed about Belarus’ readiness to sell more agricultural products to the Russian region.

Svetlana Davletova, Deputy Chairwoman of the Ivanovo Oblast Government, stressed that Ivanovo Oblast businessmen are interested in further developing and bolstering trade and economic ties with Belarusian enterprises.

The representatives of Belarusian and Ivanovo enterprises presented the economic, industrial, and investment potentials of Ivanovo Oblast and Belarus. Presentations of Belarusian companies and organizations were arranged, in particular, the Belarusian light industry concern Bellegprom, Orsha Linen Mill, MTZ, Gomselmash, OOO Dormash, and the Kursk-based trading house of the Belarusian tire manufacturer Belshina.