Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

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8 (02156) 2 58 65

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10 July 2015

Cooperation agreements signed at Belarusian-Slovak business forum in Vitebsk

The Belarusian-Slovak Business Forum in Vitebsk opened with the signing of the agreements on cooperation between Vitebsk Oblast and the Slovak city of Kosice and also between Vitebsk District and the Slovak town of Holic, BelTA has learned.

The memorandum of cooperation in culture, education, sports and tourism between Vitebsk Oblast and the city of Kosice was signed by Deputy Chairman of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee Oleg Matskevich and member of the Kosice City Council Martin Petrusko. The similar agreement between Vitebsk District and the city of Holic was inked by Deputy Chairman of the Vitebsk District Executive Committee Viktor Dorozhkin and Holic Mayor Zdenko Cambal.

Representatives of both Slovak cities noted that this is their first visit to Vitebsk and that the business forum is mainly fact-finding. "This is an opportunity to take a closer look at each other, to establish contacts in business, education, culture, tourism and other areas," said Zdenko Cambal. He also added that consideration is being given to the establishment of a branch of one of the Holic higher educational institutions in Belarus, maybe in Vitebsk Oblast.

According to Honorary Consul of the Slovak Republic in the Republic of Belarus Alexei Sychev, direct contacts between the businesses of the two countries are expected to lay the foundation for a more active work in the areas of mutual interest: oil refining, energy, construction, production and processing of agricultural products and also in waste management, alternative energy, and biotechnology.

More than 50 Slovak companies are attending the business forum running in Vitebsk on 8-10 July. The agenda includes a plenary meeting and the panel discussions "Innovative development and investment projects of Vitebsk Oblast", "Light industry. Ideas and technologies”, “Innovative projects of the universities of Vitebsk Oblast”, a business matchmaking session and visits to the local enterprises. In addition, representatives of the travel industries will arrange the Belarusian-Slovak tourist fair to present their services not only to the participants of the business forum but also to all residents and guests of Vitebsk as the city will be hosting the International Festival of Arts Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk.

This is the first time that Vitebsk hosts such event. It was initiated by the Vitebsk-based Honorary Consulate of Slovakia in Belarus. The event has been organized by the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee and the Vitebsk Regional Marketing Center.