Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

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17 June 2008

Italy’s documentary to open Magnificat competitive film programme in Glubokoye

A documentary “Mongolia’s Border” by Italian filmmakers will open a competitive film programme of the 4th International Catholic Festival of Christian Movies and TV Programmes Magnificat 2008 in Glubokoye on June 17. The opening of the festival will take place on June 18 in the village of Udelo, Glubokoye region, the chief of the ideology department of the Glubokoye regional executive committee, Mikhail Cherepkovsky, told BelTA.

The festival is aimed at fostering human values which are preached by various Christian religions. This year the competitive film programme features 34 movies from 14 countries: Belarus (6), Russia (6), Italy (4), Poland (3) and Ukraine (2). Lithuania, the USA, France, Canada, Croatia, Switzerland will show one movie each. The first-time participants are Georgia and Lebanon. The Belarusian animation “Bethlehem Star Shining” will be demonstrated in the non- competitive film programme.

The festival is held under the patronage of the Conference of Catholic Bishops in Belarus, with the participation of the Vitebsk diocese of the Roman-Catholic Church in Belarus with the blessing of Archbishop Minsk-Mogilev Metropolitan Tadeusz Kondrusievicz and with assistance of the Glubokoye regional executive committee.