Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

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26 May 2016

War veterans of Belarus, Russia, Latvia to meet at Friendship Hill on 2 July

A meeting of war veterans of Belarus, Russia and Latvia at the Friendship Hill in Verkhnedvinsk District on 2 July, BelTA learnt from the main department for ideology, culture and youth affairs of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee.

This year's traditional meeting is organized by the Belarusian side. The organizing committee has been headed by Chairman of the Vitebsk Oblast Council of Deputies Vladimir Terentyev. The preparations for the event are already underway. Representatives of Vitebsk and Pskov Oblasts met in Verkhnedvinsk District to discuss organizing moments of the forthcoming 57th meeting of contact soldiers, partisans and underground fighters of the three states.

"A big and interesting program is being prepared. It will include marching delegations, wreath and flower ceremonies, a concert, a partisan bonfire and exhibitions. The event will also comprise meetings between the Vitebsk and Pskov Governors, and also between heads of the border districts of Vitebsk and Pskov Oblasts," the department said.