Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

City panorama
City panorama

Republic Archive

18 February 2015
The 2015 IBU Youth/Junior World Championships officially got underway with a colorful opening ceremony at the State Flag Square in Minsk on 17 February, BelTA has learned. An amazing light show was organized during the solemn opening ceremony at the Belarusian capital. Belarusian Vice Premier Natalia Kochanova stressed in her speech: “On behalf of the Belarusian government and the organizing committee I am happy to greet guests and participants of the world championships in our...
9 February 2015
There are plans to hold a Normandy format meeting on Ukraine in Minsk on 11 February. Russian President Vladimir Putin made a request to organize the relevant meeting as he met with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko in Sochi on 8 February, BelTA has learned. Vladimir Putin informed Alexander Lukashenko that ahead of the meeting he had held talks with his counterparts from Kiev, Berlin and Paris in a so-called Normandy format. “We have agreed to do our best to organize such a...
20 January 2015
The BRSM Youth Union is determined to take an active part in the preparations and conduct of the forthcoming presidential campaign in Belarus, Second Secretary of the BRSM Central Committee Andrei Belyakov said at the 42nd Congress of the youth union on 20 January, BelTA has learned. The year 2015 will mark important political events for the country, and the BRSM Youth Union cannot stay behind. “We are not a political party, but this does not mean that we stay away from politics. We...
10 January 2015
Brest will be hosting the 27th international classical music festival January Music Nights on 9-12 January, BelTA learnt from the organizers of the event. The music forum will gather more than 300 singers from 11 countries: Belarus, Russia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, Moldova, Georgia, China, the UK, and Sweden. The program of the festival will feature four evening shows and three day concerts. The main venues will be the Brest Academic Drama Theater, the big and small...
31 December 2014
Belarus will strive to normalize relations with the West. Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko made the statement on 30 December as he introduced newly appointed Head of the Belarus President Administration Alexander Kosinets, BelTA has learned. The head of state remarked that in addition to matters of domestic politics the Belarus President Administration should keep an eye on foreign politics. “The geopolitical situation in the world and around our country is getting more and more...
23 December 2014
The National Research Center for Pediatric Surgery will open in Belarus in 2015. The decision was formalized by Council of Ministers’ Resolution No. 1211 passed on 20 December 2014, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian government. The center will incorporate the pediatric heart surgery division of the Cardiology National Research Center and the children’s surgery center of Minsk City Teaching Hospital No. 1. Every year the Cardiology National Research Center...