Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

Glubokoe in the night
Glubokoe in the night

Republic Archive

5 August 2014
MINSK, 5 August (BelTA) – The Transport and Communications Ministry of Belarus is holding consultations on the construction of a high-speed railway in Belarus, BelTA learnt from First Deputy Transport and Communications Minister Yevgeny Rogachev.
29 July 2014
MINSK, 29 July (BelTA) – The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus will monitor wildlife as part of the national environmental monitoring system of the Republic of Belarus. The decision was approved by Decree No.379 “Concerning amendments and additions to the Belarus President’s Decree No.244 of 13 June 2011” which Alexander Lukashenko signed on 28 July, BelTA learnt from the Belarusian press service.
21 July 2014
MINSK, 21 July (BelTA) – The U.S. corporation General Electric intends to start making electric drives in Belarus, BelTA learned from representatives of Belarusian Autoworks (BelAZ trademark) after a delegation of the American corporation led by the director general of GE Transportation Mining, a daughter enterprise of General Electric, visited the Belarusian company on 21 July.
14 July 2014
MINSK, 14 July (BelTA) – The network of toll roads in Belarus will grow larger by 256km as from 1 August, BelTA learned from the press service of BelToll, the national digital road toll collection system.
7 July 2014
MINSK, 7 July (BelTA) – In June, the national air company Belavia carried more than 250,700 passengers, up 27.6% over June of last year, BelTA learnt from the Belavia press service.
30 June 2014
MINSK, 30 June (BelTA) – Large-scale celebrations of Belarus’ Independence Day will start on 1 July, First Deputy Culture Minister Irina Driga told media, BelTA has learned.