Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

The visiting card of the city
The visiting card of the city

Republic Archive

4 December 2012
ASHGABAT, 4 December (BelTA) – Foreign Ministers of Belarus and Tajikistan Vladimir Makei and Hamrokhon Zarifi praised the level of cooperation between the two countries in a meeting in Ashgabat on 4 December, BelTA has learnt. According to Mr Vladimir Makei, the meeting between the two heads of state during the official visit of the President of Belarus to Tajikistan in October 2011 gave an additional impetus to the bilateral trade and economic cooperation. “As for cooperation in the...
3 December 2012
MINSK, 3 December (BelTA) – Kaliningrad Oblast suggests that Belarus should consider the possibility of taking part in the construction and consequent operation of a deep-water port. The information was released by Kaliningrad Oblast Governor Mr Nikolai Tsukanov at the meeting with President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on 3 December, BelTA has learned. The Governor said: “A deep-water port will be designed in 2013. We are ready to consider Belarus’ participation not only in the...
3 December 2012
MINSK, 3 December (BelTA) - Belarus and Indonesia plan to develop cooperation in science and technology. Possible joint projects were discussed at a meeting between Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Vladimir Semashko and Chairman of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences Lukman Hakim in Minsk. According to the First Deputy Premier, Belarus has a strong scientific-technical and production potential and is interested in partnership with Indonesia. Belarus’ economy is quite dynamic. Every five...
29 November 2012
MINSK, 29 November (BelTA) – The prospects of the Belarus-Latvia political dialogue, trade and economic cooperation and investment opportunities were discussed in Riga on 28 November during a regular round of ministerial consultations between the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Latvia, BelTA learnt from the press service of the Foreign Ministry. The Belarusian delegation was led by Deputy Foreign Minister of Belarus Yelena Kupchina; the Latvian delegation was chaired by Foreign...
22 November 2012
MINSK, 22 November (BelTA) - Gazprom wants to build a multi-purpose center in Minsk, OAO Gazprom Chairman of the Board Mr Alexei Miller told reporters after the meeting with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, BelTA has learnt. Gazprom plans to bring together its ventures operating in Belarus under one roof. In particular we spoke about an opportunity to build a very large modern multifunctional business center which could also include health and fitness facilities, a hotel. These...
19 November 2012
MINSK, 19 November (BelTA) – The Belarusian Investment Forum that took place in Minsk on 15-16 November was attended by real investors, not mediators, Director of the National Investment and Privatization Agency Dmitry Klevzhits said in an interview to the RTR TV Channel on 18 November. “Up to 70% of the participants at all the previous forums were mediators, consulters, legal firms and banks. This year nearly 80% of the visitors were real investors, owners of big and medium-sized...