Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

The visiting card of the city
The visiting card of the city

Republic Archive

9 November 2012
ASTANA, 9 November (BelTA) – Belarus has offered Kazakhstan to implement a $1 billion investment project at Mogilevkhimvolokno, Belarus Premier Mikhail Myasnikovich told media in Astana after the talks with his Kazakhstani counterpart Serik Akhmetov on 9 November. The Belarusian PM stressed that today’s negotiations ended up with an agreement on implementation of an array of joint projects with Kazakhstan. The largest of them will be a project at the basis of Mogilevkhimvolokno....
9 November 2012
MINSK, 9 November (BelTA) - Belarus and Leningrad Oblast intend to step up cooperation in construction, agriculture and high technology. These and other promising areas of cooperation were discussed at a meeting between President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and Governor of Leningrad Oblast Alexander Drozdenko on 9 November. Leningrad Oblast is an important trading partner of Belarus among the regions of Russia, the head of state said. In recent years, the bilateral trade has been...
31 October 2012
MINSK, 31 October (BelTA) – Foreign participants of the 7th Belarus Investment Forum will not have to pay for visas, the Public Relations Office of the Belarusian Economy Ministry told BelTA. BelTA has been told that President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko had waived consular fees for foreign participants of the forum. The decision was made on 26 October 2012 after the National Agency of Investment and Privatization and the Economy Ministry submitted the relevant initiative. The website...
8 October 2012
MINSK, 8 October (BelTA) – The Belarusian government intends to hit the 5-5.5% GDP growth target in 2012, Prime Minister of Belarus Mikhail Myasnikovich told media on 8 October. The Prime Minister underlined that the Belarus government will do their best to make the GDP forecast come true. “I think we will hit the forecast target,” said Mikhail Myasnikovich. In turn, the Finance Minister Andrei Kharkovets remarked that positive changes regarding the contribution of net taxes to the...
24 September 2012
MINSK, 24 September (BelTA) – The Days of Belarusian Culture opens today in Lithuania, BelTA has learnt. The Days of Culture are organized by the Embassy of Belarus in Lithuania in cooperation with the Culture Ministry of Belarus and the organizational and financial support of Minsk City Hall and the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee. The opening ceremony of the Days will take place at the Lithuanian National Philharmonic Hall of Vilnius on 24 September where Alexander Anisimov’s...
24 September 2012
MINSK, 24 September (BelTA) – A qualified parliament of 109 members has been elected in Belarus, Chairwoman of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Belarus Lidia Yermoshina told media on 24 September. “Only one constituency has failed to elect an MP. It is the Novobelitsky election constituency in Gomel Oblast,” explained Lidia Yermoshina. She added that the elections in the constituency are valid but there was no alternative to the single candidate. Since an absolute majority of...